

Suspension of work

The Russian Visa Center in Stockholm suspends the acceptance of documents for visa processing from April 29, 2022.

The issuance of documents after consideration will be carried out until May 13, 2022.


Facemasks cancelled

On March 15, the mandatory use of masks in public places was canceled in Moscow. This decision is due to the steady improvement of the epidemiological situation. Thus, masks are not required to travel on public transport, visit museums, shops and cafes. Other anti-COVID measures are also canceled for organizations: measuring temperature of employees, installing dividing partitions at workplaces, etc.


Working schedule for March holidays

Dear Applicants!

Please be informed about the Visa Application Center working schedule during March holidays in 2022.

March 5, 2022: Visa Application Center is closed, the Russian Embassy is open.

March 7, 2022: Visa Application Center operates as usual; the Russian Embassy is closed.

March 8, 2022: Visa Application Center and the Russian Embassy are closed.

From March 9, 2022: Visa Application Center and the Russian Embassy operate as usual.


Weekends and holidays of the Russian Embassy are not included into the processing time of visa applications.


QR codes cancelled

Dear applicants!

From March 3, the QR code system is canceled in Moscow, this also applies to foreign guests. Therefore, all restrictions on visiting theaters, museums, and restaurants are lifted. This list also includes cultural and entertainment events. In St. Petersburg, the QR code system will be canceled from March 4.


PCR test required for entry to Russia is valid for 2 days

The decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on reducing the validity period of the PCR test for foreign citizens entering Russia from 3 to 2 days before arriving in Russia comes into force on December 8, 2021.

Now, when boarding a plane flying to Russia, foreign citizens or stateless persons must present a certificate in Russian or English with a negative test result for COVID-19, which must be done no earlier than 2 days before arriving in Russia.



Dear applicants!

Pay attention to the working hours of Russian Visa Centers in Sweden during the Christmas and New Year holidays!

Visa Center in Stockholm

  • December 23, 2021 is the last day of applying for a visa in 2021.
  • December 24-25, 2021 - holidays. Visa Center is closed.
  • December 27-29, 2021 - passport collection only. Documents for a visa are not accepted.
  • December 30, 2021 - January 6, 2022 - holidays. Visa Center is closed.
  • From January 7, 2022 - the Visa Center works as 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00

Visa Center in Gothenburg is closed.


Resumption of issuance of Russian visas of all categories

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 23.10.2021 No. 3003-r "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 16.03.2020 No. 635-r" Sweden is included in the list of foreign states whose citizens and residents can arrive in Russia by air.

Swedish citizens, third-country nationals and stateless persons who have a residence permit in Sweden or another document confirming their right to permanent residence in Sweden can apply to the consular department of the Embassy, the Consulate General of Russia in Gothenburg or the Official Visa Center of Russia in Sweden for visa of any category in the usual manner in accordance with the current regulatory documents of the Russian Federation governing the issuance of visas. For third-country nationals and stateless persons permanently residing in Sweden, the provision of a document confirming the right to permanent residence in Sweden is a prerequisite for obtaining a visa.

Third-country nationals permanently residing in Sweden and having a residence permit, provided that their State of nationality has agreements with the Russian Federation on visa-free entry, can enter from Sweden to the Russian Federation without visas by direct flights in accordance with existing bilateral agreements. For those of them who intend to study or permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to issue the appropriate visas in the usual manner. Please also note that third-country nationals permanently residing in Sweden and entering the Russian Federation on a visa or visa-free basis in accordance with bilateral agreements between the Russian Federation and their States of nationality must present the originals of documents confirming the right to permanent residence in Sweden when registering and boarding an aircraft en route to the Russian Federation, as well as when passing the state border of the Russian Federation. In the absence of such documents, entry into the Russian Federation will be impossible even with a visa.

The previous sanitary and epidemiological requirements for entry into the Russian Federation in relation to foreign citizens remain: filling out a questionnaire for entering the Russian Federation and the presence of a PCR test confirming the absence of COVID-19 disease, made no later than 72 hours before entering the Russian Federation.


Attention! Contest!

Russian language and culture centres «Azbuka» together with Interlink Service Australia Pty Ltd are organizing an international children's drawing contest «I Paint the World». The contest will be held in an online format from September 1 to November 10, 2021 and invites young artists from all over the world to present their works.

The contest is held to support children's creativity, stimulate interest in the Russian language and folk art, and popularize the Russian language and Russian culture abroad.

The contest works are evaluated by a jury consisting of artists from 7 countries — Russia, Australia, Hungary, Georgia, Norway, Croatia and Sweden.

You can find information about the drawing contest on Facebook:

The winners of the competition will be awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes. A certificate of participation is issued to all participants of the competition.


Changes in visa rules for relatives of Russian citizens

12 июля 2021 года вступили в законную силу пункты 1 и 2 статьи 1 Федерального закона от 1 июля 2021 года № 270-ФЗ «О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон «О порядке выезда из Российской Федерации и въезда в Российскую Федерацию» и статью 5 Федерального закона «О правовом положении иностранных граждан в Российской Федерации». Согласно принятым изменениям в статье 2 Федерального закона от 15.08.1996 года № 114-ФЗ "О порядке выезда из Российской Федерации и въезда в Российскую Федерацию" (далее – Закон) дается четкое определение понятия близких родственников, под которыми понимаются супруг, супруга, родители (усыновители), дети (усыновленные), супруги детей, полнородные и неполнородные братья и сестры, дедушки, бабушки, внуки.

При этом в соответствии с пунктом 4 статьи 25 Закона основанием для выдачи иностранному гражданину обыкновенной частной визы на срок до трех месяцев может являться решение руководителя дипломатического представительства или консульского учреждения Российской Федерации принятое по заявлению в письменной форме гражданина Российской Федерации о въезде иностранного гражданина, являющегося его близким родственником или членом его семьи.

Вышеупомянутое заявление может быть подано российским гражданином в российское дипломатическое представительство или консульское учреждение лично, а в случае отсутствия у гражданина Российской Федерации такой возможности для оформления визы его близкому родственнику потребуется оригинал заявления, заверенного российским нотариусом. В нем должны быть указаны фамилия, имя, отчество, дата рождения, гражданство, пол, номер паспорта, адрес регистрации и адрес фактического места жительства российского гражданина (в случае проживания на территории Российской Федерации), а также фамилия, имя, остальные имена, дата рождения, гражданство, пол, номер паспорта, кратность визы, цель поездки, запрашиваемый период въезда, место предполагаемого проживания лица, обращающегося за визой, и города посещения.

Одновременно с заявлением необходимо представить оригиналы либо нотариально заверенные копии документов, подтверждающих степень родства (свидетельства о браке, рождении и т.д.), которые после копирования должны быть возвращены заявителю, а также документы, предусмотренные пунктом 46 постановления Правительства Российской Федерации от 9 июня 2003 года № 335 «Об утверждении Положения об установлении формы визы, порядка и условий ее оформления и выдачи, продления срока ее действия, восстановления ее в случае утраты, а также порядка аннулирования визы».

Обращаем внимание, что понятие заявления российского гражданина о совместном с ним въезде в Российскую Федерацию члена его семьи утратило свою силу.


Current restrictions on entry to Russia

In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation to temporarily ban foreigners entering Russia and issuing visas starting from March 17, 2020 all Russian visa centers suspend the acceptance of the documents for visas, except for the visas for drivers of international automobile traffic, air- and sea crews, members of official delegations, visas for the purpose of treatment in Russian medical organizations, private visas for relatives (husband, wife, minor children) of Russian citizen, private visas to care for sick relatives, as well as private visas in connection with the death of a close relative.

STOCKHOLM: The Russian Visa Application Center in Stockholm is switching to a reduced working hours from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on business days. The issuance of passports will be carried out at the indicated hours. Passports will be sent by post for those who have ordered our post service.

GOTEBORG: The Visa Application Center in Goteborg is CLOSED until these restrictions are lifted.